How 6 Simple Steps Helped Me to Attract My Ideal Clients
You’ve heard it before. Become an entrepreneur and you’ll earn a lot of flexibility in your life. The promises of living a lavish lifestyle, travel to exotic destinations and of course the 4 hour work week. But, it all starts with attracting your ideal clients. The following are six simple steps that I took to attract clients, which in turn led to the success that allowed me to live my dream lifestyle:
1. Create a buyer persona
If you don’t know what your ideal client looks like, how are you supposed to be able to attract them? You need to have a solid idea of your ideal client’s characteristics, so you can easily spot them in a crowd. Use the data you have from customer sales, lead forms and social media to build your buyer personas.
2. Establish a unique value proposition
A unique value proposition helps identify what makes your products or services special compared to other businesses who offer similar things. Start by asking yourself: “What can I offer to my ideal clients?” “How can I make their lives more comfortable or how do I solve a problem they are continuously encountering?” Make sure that value radiates in all you do and make, be it content, ads, or promotional offers.
3. Stay on message
Your content should talk specifically to your ideal client and you should promote it regularly. Don’t forget to lay out the steps that customer can take to further connect with your business. This strengthens your brand identity, which will make it easier to attract leads in the long run.
4. Create content that specifically targets your buyer persona
Know the value of your clients. Target your ideal client by creating content that will be informative and helpful to them. They will be searching for solutions to their problems. Highlight how their personal and business lives will change with it. If your content addresses these problems, they’ll be more likely to find you. You must be willing to answer all queries, and you must do it promptly, courteously, and with sincerity.
5. Optimize your entire site for SEO
The more your ideal clients get exposed to your brand, the more likely they are to follow it. Use relevant keywords throughout your site and your content to help attract leads who are using those words in their search queries.
6. Maintain a social media presence
Don’t under estimate the power of social media. Find out which social media sites your ideal clients are on and be there. Stay engaged with your followers and make it easier for leads to find you by posting to social media regularly.
You can’t become successful without clients, and you can’t get clients without leads. Use these six steps to ensure a steady stream of quality leads over the long-term.
To learn more about how to create a lead generation campaign, take my FREE 7 Day Challenge: The Perfect Optin Campaign. Find out how you can generate leads on auto-pilot.
© 2017 by Turiya Hodge. All Rights Reserved. Turiya Hodge, Social Media Strategist and Business Trainer, is the owner of Myabah Consulting Services and founder of Social Media Saturdays, an online platform dedicated to helping professionals, organizations and companies grow their business by social media strategic planning in the area of lead generation.