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Social Media Saturdays
The Secret Guide to Using Facebook Events
[FREE DOWNLOAD INSIDE] Are you looking for an effective way to market and fill your workshop? Hosting a workshop is one of the best ways to grow and engage your community. But the question remains, how do you get butts in seats and ultimately have a profitable event?...
6 Easy Steps to Creating a Winning Content Curation Strategy
STOP feeling overwhelmed at the thought of producing content! Still thinking that creating your social media content strategy is hard? Let me let you in on an insider secret: CONTENT CURATION. Each and every piece of content you share MUST build your brand. Gone are...
5 Ways to Power Up Your Personal And Professional Brand on Social Media
Are suffering from “exposurephobia”? Actually, the technical term for it is “Visiobibliophobia”, the fear of social media. Who knew it's actually a thing?? Are you worried about what to put on social media and how your audience will receive it? So instead you end up...
How to Use Content to Attract Your Ideal Client
Who does your content really attract? Have you ever stopped to think about that question? It is said that good marketing is not only about who want to attract to your business but also about who you want to keep out. The goal is to attract people who are enthusiastic...
Overwhelmed by the thought of producing content?
STOP feeling overwhelmed at the thought of producing content! Still thinking that creating your social media content strategy is hard? Let me let you in on an insider secret: CONTENT CURATION. I'm sharing “6 Easy Steps to Creating a Winning Content Curation Strategy.”...
The #1 Mistake You Are Making With Social Media and How To Fix It
Do you know the BIGGEST MISTAKE you are making when it comes to social media? I was shocked when I heard Gary Vee say it (no I wasn’t…I just have to step up my game) This week I had the opportunity to listen to Gary Vaynerchuk keynote to the National Achievers...